Frequently Asked Questions
Midgard has been a hot discussion topic, in that its complicated plot and setting may not make sense to many. Here, I will try to answer frequently asked questions about the comic to the best of my ability.

Q: What is Midgard?
A: Hmm. Okay. First of all, it's a comic strip on the internet. It is about three real-life kids, Jeffrey, James, and Felix, playing a console role-playing game, called Midgard. The game Midgard is completely made by me. The name Midgard will be explained later in the comic.

Q: Explain to me this stupid gravity idea you've got going.
A: It's not as complicated as you may think it is. Here's a great ASCII diagram made by avid reader Bouncy Fish...

(___) our earth
( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) midgard eath
>|o person
** the sky
----> or <---- shows the direction of gravitational pull
ok, so say in our lives now, this is how you would be

<--------- **
(___)>|o **
<--------- **

ok, meaning you're standing on the right side of the earth and the sky is above you but then in Midgard land... (or wahtever i should call it)

--------------> **
( ( ( ( ) ) ) o|<) **
---------------> **

now notice he's being pulled outward, towards the sky, so the ground is what he's standing on, although to us he would be on the "wrong side" of the ground. if you still can't understand it after that explination....

Yup. Wazo.

Q: But what about air, water, and that big-ass physics equation that I can't stop mentioning?
A: A lot of that will be mentioned in the comic. Any of the plot holes that I don't fill go into the category of "science-fiction." Live with it.

Q: What about the layers inside the earth?
A: Read this comic to learn in detail about the layers of the earth.

Q: Okay. So your comic is in "full" color, but is sometimes in black and white?!
A: Anything in black and white is supposed to show what is the real world, and what is the video game. Ironically enough, the real world is in black and white. Sometimes the whole comic is in black and white because life is sometimes hectic... but I'll always mention when that happens.

Q: My god, man. Your comic makes no sense at all, your drawing is terrible, you don't know how to write, and you shouldn't be wasting other people's time and space by doing this. Your strip sucks. A: Speaking about a waste of time...

Well, I can't think of anything else right now. Please, bombard me with your questions, but be constructive, a'ight?